Friday, April 4, 2008

Fifth Assignment....

The Project that the author of my novel is trying to show people that war is and evil thing. Not just while the soldiers are in war but long after the wars are over. It shows the more mental hurt of war rather than physical as the main chracter struggles to find himself after his war experiences

The main conflict in my novel is between the main character Billy Pilgrim and the war within himself. He is struggling to forget experiences that changed his life forever in the war. He combines his current life with old experiences and in a way creates a fantasy world that is in between both worlds.

It shows that the war messed up Billy Pilgrim thus showing what the negetive effects of war can do.

I think sybolism makes the largest contribution because the character Billy Pilgrim is a symbol for showing that war is negetive due to his bad experiences.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Third Assignment

1. Yes, I believe my book is original but it dose have common elements from other books that center around world war 2. Specifically aspects of battle that are talked about and deaths of friends. An example of this is in flags of our fathers some of the same things are talked about.

2. The way the story is being told makes it original. It is told in bits and pieces without revealing much which leaves me as the reader wanting more. This is something ive never had when reading other books.

3. I think a writer can make an original story in todays world but with the many stories of the past it is more than likely that it will have similar details to a past story.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Second Assignment

1.I believe the narrator is the main character in the novel. This is due to his prominent role so far in the early stages of the novel. He explaines sitiuations and he is included in most of the conversations and stories in the novel.

2.From what ive read so far i am very different from the narrator. I find myself different from him becuase he is connected to a bombing in WW1. I am a strongly agianst war so i find myself very different from him.

3.I see dust, debris as well as smoke. i see all of this becuase im recalling the events of a bombing i was connected to in the past.

Friday, February 29, 2008

First Assignment

I decided to read the book entitled Slaughter House 5. I am interest in the themes of the book becuase they deal with insanity as well as murder. These are some of my favorite things to read about. =D

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Talk 2 me, Talk 2 me, Talk 2 me Baby......

Come and talk to me.........
I really want to meet you.........
Can I talk to you...........
I really want to know you..........
Come and talk to me.............
I really want to meet you........
Can I talk to you.........
I really want to know you..........
Oh, oh oh oh oh.................